Sierra snowboards


Snowboard Virgin
Total Posts: 1 Joined 2012-12-06

Posted: 06 December 2012 03:40 AM

One of my friends who is looking to buy his first board was asking me about this brand and I had no idea about them so I was wondering if anybody else knows about them?

Rich Ewbank

Rich Ewbank Avatar
Total Posts: 1567 Joined 2009-03-04

Posted: 11 December 2012 01:29 PM

THis is a shop’s own brand. I’m afraid I have no idea what factory they are made in or of the quality of the boards I’m afraid.


zoryfl Avatar
Total Posts: 546 Joined 2009-08-22

Posted: 24 December 2012 02:20 PM

From what I heard their park boards are pretty solid.
Can’t tell you anything more detailed, though. I believe sierra is attending at quite some testivals during the season, so you and/or your friend might be able to test a couple of their rides before ordering one..

Cheers Tobi

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